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Excavator industry - let customers find you

Excavators have always been the eternal focus of China's construction machinery industry, because of their complex manufacturing technology, internal structure, and high input-output ratio. For a long time, the key hydraulic parts technology supporting excavators has been controlled by Europe, the United States, Japan and South Korea. , Due to various reasons, there is a big gap between my country's technology in excavator products and the world's advanced level. However, in recent years, the market share of domestic excavator brands is gradually rising, and a group of excavator manufacturers with strong independent innovation capabilities are growing.

1. Used excavators

For a long time, second-hand excavators have always occupied the main share of China's excavator market, and its market share is larger than the number of new machines. And most of them are obsolete or abandoned second-hand equipment imported from foreign developed countries. The price of this kind of excavator is relatively low, but the quality and performance are not stable. Once imported into China, it may cause a large amount of waste steel hoarding and environmental pollution.

2. Welcome to Spring

With the gradual recovery of the economy, the future of the excavator industry is promising. Because the fields of highway construction, real estate construction, and railway construction have directly stimulated the demand for excavators, the market demand for excavator equipment is huge. In the global financial crisis, the domestic construction machinery industry has been affected to varying degrees. However, the Chinese government subsequently issued ten investment measures and an investment plan of 4 trillion yuan, which once again showed the government's determination to promote economic growth by increasing investment. , which is conducive to the domestic demand for construction machinery. Stimulated by the 4 trillion investment plan, construction machinery has resumed growth, and the excavator industry will usher in another spring of development.

3. Big market

China's excavator market has grown at an average rate of 30% in the past ten years, and has become one of the largest markets in the world. Judging from the current situation, my country is in the peak period of infrastructure construction in various aspects such as road traffic, energy and water conservancy, and urban construction. The market demand for excavators is increasing year by year, and the project has a broad market prospect. New products in the excavator industry are emerging one after another, and they are very competitive. Among them, some companies have already occupied a large area in the excavator market, and the purpose of launching new products is to consolidate their positions and add new profit growth points for the companies; some companies are all-powerful in other fields and launch new products in order to have a high-end position in the field of excavators; Some companies develop new products with the help of "overseas husband's family", aiming to enter the excavator market, improve the industrial chain and enhance their competitiveness.

4. Good development momentum

At present, my country has become the world's largest excavator market, with not only large market sales, but also large output. It is the manufacturing center of the world's excavator industry. In the continuous process of internationalization, my country's excavator market has gradually been incorporated into the global excavator supply chain system. Due to the continuous expansion of China's influence in the international market, especially the increasingly close relationship with the developing world, it can still obtain a lot of export opportunities for the excavator industry despite the sluggish global export market.

The process of independent development of domestic excavators is still very long, and will experience many technical difficulties. However, under the background of the Chinese government's continuous emphasis on equipment manufacturing and strengthening of basic hydraulic accessories, the weakness of local brands in China's excavator market will gradually change.

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    Shanghai, China